10.14 12:30 学术报告---Tso-Pang Yao



    2010年10月14日中午12点30分,周军老师邀请的来自美国杜克大学医学中心的Tso-Pang Yao副教授将在生物站一楼报告厅为大家进行一场题目为“Quality control autophagy-a joint venture of ubiquitin, HDAC6 and actin cytoskeleton”的报告,请感兴趣的师生参加。


      下面是Tso-Pang Yao博士的简要介绍,供您参考:

       Dr Yao’s laboratory focuses on identifying and characterizing novel regulatory functions of protein acetylation in cell signaling and human disease. They wish to develop fundamental understandings of a class of protein deacetylases, HDACs, and use this knowledge to develop smart and rational clinical strategies based on HDAC inhibitors, a growing class of compounds that show potent anti-tumor and other clinically relevant activities. Doctor Yao has published many papers in high impact journals such as Nature, Cell and EMBO J etc.